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Tämä suoraan dvd:llä julkaistu elokuva yllätti. Odotin b-luokan kauhua ja huonoja efektejä-ja niitähän sitten sainkin. Mutta tarina on kumman mielenkiintoinen Alien mukaelma. Klustrofobinen tunnelma rajattuun tilaan pakotettujen ihmisten kesken on ihan käsin kosketeltava. Tarina kulkee hyvin, eikä siinä ole mitään liikaa. Tottakai toteutuksessa näkyy rahan vähyys ja joitain kohtia on jouduttu siloittelemaan, mutta elokuvan rehellinen “kieli poskessa” toiminta viihdyttää. Isommalla budjetilla elokuvasta olisi voinut tulla isompikin kassamagneetti. Tai sitten ei. Ihmeellisiä ovat katsojien mielipiteet. Viihdyttävä pätkä, voin suositella kunhan et ota elokuvaa liian vakavasti.


It’s the end of yet another night at Hastings Supermarket, an idyllic family grocery store in Buck Lake, Arizona. But the normal monotony of rounding up shopping carts and settling out the cash drawers is broken at 11:07pm, just before closing when a group of masked and armed-to-the-teeth militants invades the store, immediately killing several of the employees and shoppers and holding the rest hostage. Though the hostage-takers at first appear to be robbers or terrorists, they reveal themselves to be a cadre of rogue scientists that has discovered and tracked an alien infestation to THIS STORE on THIS NIGHT, and they are determined to find out which of the survivors are extraterrestrials and end the invasion at any cost.


This direct dvd movie released in surprise. I was waiting for the b-grade horror and bad effects and then I got niitähän. But the story is both interesting adaptation of Alien. Klustrofobinen feel forced into a confined space between people is quite palpable. The story goes well, and there is nothing too much. Of course, the implementation is shown lack of money and some items have also been siloittelemaan, but the film’s honest, ”tongue in cheek” to entertain the action. With a bigger budget film could have been a bigger blockbuster. Or not. Wonderful are the viewers’ opinions. An entertaining piece, I can recommend as long as you do not take the movie too seriously.

(translation by Google)


Starring: Carlos Bernard, Rockmond Dunbar and Mathew St. Patrick.

Director: Ben Rock


Pictures: internet


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