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Mikään ei ole todellista. Kaikki on mahdollista. Nuori poika seisoo asemalla, juna on lähdössä. Lähteäkö äidin matkaan vai jäädä isän luo? Rajaton määrä mahdollisia elinkaaria riippuu hänen päätöksestään. Jos ei päätä lainkaan, kaikki on mahdollista. Jokainen elämä on elämisen arvoinen.


“Eurooppalaista” elokuvaa parhaimmillaan tai pahimillaan, riippuu miltä kannalta katsoo. Itse en ole varma pidinkö elokuvasta paljon vai en ollenkaan. Tätä pitää vielä hieman sulatella, mutta pieni varoituksen sana. Jos katsot elokuvan tee se mieli virkeänä ja ilman ennakkoluuloja.


In the year 2092, one hundred eighteen year old Nemo is recounting his life story to a reporter. He is less than clear, often times thinking that he is only thirty-four years of age. But his story becomes more confusing after he does focus on the fact of his current real age. He tells of his life at three primary points in his life: at age nine (when his parents divorced), age sixteen and age thirty-four. The confusing aspect of the story is that he tells of alternate life paths, often changing course with the flick of a decision at each of those ages. One life path has him ultimately married to Elise, a depressed woman who never got over the unrequited love she had for a guy named Stefano when she was a teenager and who asked Nemo to swear that when she died he would sprinkle her ashes on Mars. A second life path has him married to Jean. Their life is one of luxury but one also of utter boredom.


”European” cinema at its best, or at worse, depends on how we view the opinion. In fact, I’m not sure if I liked the film a lot, or not at all. This must be still a bit to digest, but a small word of warning. If you look at the film make it a refreshed mind and without prejudice.



Ohjaaja/ Director: Jaco van Dormael

Pääosissa/ Starring: Jared Leto, Diane Kruger, Sarah Polley, Linh Dan Pham, Rhys Ifans

Pictures: internet


Synopsis: /