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Tarina keskiluokkaisesta nuoresta parista joka häiriintyy yhä enemmän mahdollisesta pahasta, joka vaanii heidän uudessa kodissaan. Varsinkin silloin kun he nukkuvat. Tai yrittävät nukkua.


Toimii yllättävän hyvin. Pitää otteessaan koko elokuvan ajan, vaikka turhia toisteluja onkin aika paljon. Tällaiset elokuvat ovat parhaimmillaa leffateatterissa, jossa säikyttelyefektit toimivat paremmin kuin tutulla kotisohvalla. Tai jos on hyvä kotiteatteri ja ei ole vainoharhainen voi katsoa pimeänä syysiltana yksin kotisohvalla. Mielellään vanhassa talossa, jossa paikat kitisee ja paukkuu ; )


Daniel Rey along with his wife, Kristi; daughter, Ali; toddler son, Hunter, and their dog, move to Carlsbad, California. A few days later their residence is broken into, however, nothing appears to be missing. In order to prevent re-occurrences, they install a number of security cameras that will record everything on a DVR. After they hire a Spanish-speaking nanny to look after Hunter, she informs them that there is something wrong in their house and performs prayers, much to the chagrin of Daniel, who lets her go. He will subsequently regret this decision as more inexplicable and strange incidents occur, with Ali concluding, after a research, that their house may be possessed by a demonic entity.


Works surprisingly well. Holds, for all the time, even if the firm is unnecessary repeated quite a lot. These movies are the best, movie theater, where säikyttelyefektit work better than the familiar home on the couch. Or, if you have a good home theater, and is not a paranoid can have a look on a dark autumn evening home alone on the couch. Preferably in an old house, with a capacity for screaming and popping.

(translation by Google)


Ohjaaja/ Director: Tod Willilams

Pääosissa/ Starring:Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Molly Ephraim


Pictures: internet


Synopsis: /

Pääosissa: Katie Featherston